Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me.’ We live and learn and love in His way'
Catholic School Inspection Report - March 2023
We are an 'Outstanding' Catholic School!
Our Value and Virtue for this half term is:
Grateful & Generous
Pupils in a school in the Archdiocese of Birmingham are growing to be... Grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, now and in the future. |
Schools in the Archdiocese of Birmingham help their pupils grow…
By encouraging them to know and be grateful for all their gifts, developing them to the full so that they can be generous in the service of others.
Pope’s Prayer Intention:
For the right to an education.
Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected. Amen
Our journey in faith starts at home. As parents you are the first and most significant educators in your child’s life. By having your child baptised you have expressed your wish to have them brought up within the Catholic faith. Working closely together, forming a partnership between parents and the school, we aspire to nurture the unique qualities of each child and allow them to flourish and grow throughout their primary years.
Christ is present in our daily lives and through living out our mission statement Jesus said "Let the children come to me" We live and learn and love in His way. It is more than just part of the curriculum, it is the Catholic ethos that makes Holy Family Catholic School a special and inclusive environment where children can learn and grow, with the teachers that offer outstanding guidance and care to your children.
We aim to bring children closer to God by learning and understanding the teachings of Jesus, so that we all can lead a rich and fulfilling life, helping others and bringing ourselves closer to God.
Through our RE curriculum and Sacramental preparation we guide children on their journey of faith. Each year group follows lessons planned from the Diocesan programme ‘Learning and Growing as God’s People’. Children take part in daily collective worship and regular liturgical assemblies, as well as celebrating Mass at Church.
In Year 3 children prepare to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, the Church works closely with parents during this time to reinforce the important role of parents within God’s family during these special celebrations.
Throughout Key Stage Two, pupils are supported and encouraged to become mature and responsible global citizens of the 21st Century. In their final year of Primary School, children prepare to become adults in the eyes of the church, by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. By accepting the Holy Spirit and renewing their baptismal promises, that were previous made for them, these young adults have the understanding and knowledge within them formed by the Catholic education they have experienced.
Academic excellence for all our children is one of our goals but we also nurture those special God given gifts which make your child unique.
We know that we can only do this by working in true partnership with parents. Holy Family is supported by our parish priest, Fr Pat Brennan, our families and by the parish community. Together we can ensure that Holy Family remains a very special place.