
School Meals - School Food United

Dear Parent/Carers,

Our new meal system with School Food United will be going live on Monday 29th January 2024.  The system will support our cashless policy, offering a simple and convenient payment service to parents. Other benefits include improving the efficiency of our kitchen and a reduction of food waste.

Parents will now have the option to order and pay for your child’s menu in advance. We have attached the Guide for Parents on how to set up your child’s account and some frequently asked questions. The new system will give parents the options to choose food on all school days or random days as required.

Please ensure you use the school food united app to make your payment as the payment systems are not compatible to transfer balances.  If your school gateway account is in credit, refunds will be issued.

Reception to Year 2 children 

Your child is eligible for universal free school meals under the government scheme.  No payment will be required however, you must still choose your child’s menu.

Free school meals

For children eligible for free school meals, no payment is required however, you must still choose your child’s menu.

What to do next:

·        Download the app ‘School food united’ and register your account

If you have any questions regarding the new school app and registering, please contact School Food United on 0330 123 1851 or via email  The school office will be able to assist with general enquiries regarding the app.


School Food United - Guide for Parents 


School Meals 

Cooked meals, including a vegetarian option, are prepared daily in our kitchen and children are offered a choice of main course and desserts.  Salads and fruit are always available.  Meals are eaten in the dining hall.                                                                                                   

From September 2018 every child in KS1 at Holy Family Primary School will receive a free school lunch saving parents nearly £400 per year per child!  This is under the governments Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) initiative.

For all other children the cost of a school meal is £2.40 per day, £12 per week. All payments are to be made via School Food United. If possible your child should stay on the same lunch option for the term.

Packed Lunches

If children do not wish to have a school dinner they may bring a packed lunch into school.  This should be in a secure named container or lunch bag. 
A drink should be provided in a non breakable container.  Packed lunches are eaten in the designated lunch areas.  No sweets or fizzy drinks are allowed – instead, we encourage lots of fruit, vegetables and water. For more information on what is a Healthy Packed Lunch please visit BBC Good Food where you can get lots of info and ideas. 

Catering Service - AIP (Alliance in Partnership)

AIP provide our children with Farm assured British meat, free range chicken, organic eggs, milk potatoes and carrots from local providers.  85% of food will be cooked freshly  onsite each day (even our own freshly baked bread) and will be nutritionally analysed to provide the best start for our children. The food is excellent and we have received very positive feedback from our parents and more importantly our children!  The menus are revised termly.

Food Allergies and Intolerances  - If your child has been advised by their GP or Health Care Professional to follow a special diet please contact by calling 0121 420 3030 or email

Free School Meals and Pupil Premium funds for schools

 Free school meals are means tested and available to children of families who are in receipt of:

  • income Support
  • income Based Jobseekers Allowance
  • an income-related employment and support allowance 
  • support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the Guarantee element of State Pension Credit 
  • child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190

From May 2017 Free School Meals are now assessed as part of Housing Benefit/Council Tax support claims.  This does not mean that your child must have the meal if you do not want them to.  However by claiming, you could raise up to an extra £1320 per annum for our school (funded by central government, called Pupil Premium).


 If your child is entitled to Free School Meals the council will send you a letter to confirm the award.  If you wish to opt out please contact the school office or the Benefit Service at Coventry City Council (02476 833773).

Our School Milk Scheme

The School Food Plan's new legislation on milk came into effect on January 1st 2015.  All children at Holy Family Primary School can receive milk if they wish.  Children under the age of 5 and children who are entitled to Free School Meals will be provided with milk free of charge.  For all other children the cost per term is approx. £15.

If you would like your child to receive milk please follow the steps below.

Did you know our school provides a school milk scheme?
By registering your child for our school milk scheme they will receive a 189ml (third of a pint) carton of semi-skimmed milk every day. This is delivered fresh and chilled to their classroom every day.

“How much does it cost?”
Thanks to government subsidies, school milk is free for all under-fives and is subsided at around £15 a term for children aged five or older.

“Why should I register my child?”
School milk provides your child with essential nutrients. It is also rehydrating and energy boosting, helping to bridge the long gap between breakfast and lunch so children stay focused.

Find out the top ten reasons to drink school milk at


“How do I register my child?”

If your child is under five-
1. Go to or pick up a form from school.
2. Just register by a Tuesday for your child’s free milk to start the following week.
3. Free milk will continue until the Friday before your child’s fifth birthday. You will receive a payment request three weeks before this time- if you wish for your child to continue to receive school milk simply make a payment. 

If your child is over five-
1. Go to or pick up a form from school. 
2. Pay Cool Milk online, over the phone, at a local PayPoint or by cheque in instalments to suit you.  If registering online you can pay straight away, if using a registration form you will need to wait to receive a payment request. 
3. Just pay by a Tuesday for your child’s milk to start the following week.

“How do I find out more?”


School Meals - School Food United

Dear Parent/Carers,

Our new meal system with School Food United will be going live on Monday 29th January 2024.  The system will support our cashless policy, offering a simple and convenient payment service to parents. Other benefits include improving the efficiency of our kitchen and a reduction of food waste.

Parents will now have the option to order and pay for your child’s menu in advance. We have attached the Guide for Parents on how to set up your child’s account and some frequently asked questions. The new system will give parents the options to choose food on all school days or random days as required.

Please ensure you use the school food united app to make your payment as the payment systems are not compatible to transfer balances.  If your school gateway account is in credit, refunds will be issued.

Reception to Year 2 children 

Your child is eligible for universal free school meals under the government scheme.  No payment will be required however, you must still choose your child’s menu.

Free school meals

For children eligible for free school meals, no payment is required however, you must still choose your child’s menu.

What to do next:

·        Download the app ‘School food united’ and register your account

If you have any questions regarding the new school app and registering, please contact School Food United on 0330 123 1851 or via email  The school office will be able to assist with general enquiries regarding the app.


School Food United - Guide for Parents 


School Meals 

Cooked meals, including a vegetarian option, are prepared daily in our kitchen and children are offered a choice of main course and desserts.  Salads and fruit are always available.  Meals are eaten in the dining hall.                                                                                                   

From September 2018 every child in KS1 at Holy Family Primary School will receive a free school lunch saving parents nearly £400 per year per child!  This is under the governments Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) initiative.

For all other children the cost of a school meal is £2.40 per day, £12 per week. All payments are to be made via School Food United. If possible your child should stay on the same lunch option for the term.

Packed Lunches

If children do not wish to have a school dinner they may bring a packed lunch into school.  This should be in a secure named container or lunch bag. 
A drink should be provided in a non breakable container.  Packed lunches are eaten in the designated lunch areas.  No sweets or fizzy drinks are allowed – instead, we encourage lots of fruit, vegetables and water. For more information on what is a Healthy Packed Lunch please visit BBC Good Food where you can get lots of info and ideas. 

Catering Service - AIP (Alliance in Partnership)

AIP provide our children with Farm assured British meat, free range chicken, organic eggs, milk potatoes and carrots from local providers.  85% of food will be cooked freshly  onsite each day (even our own freshly baked bread) and will be nutritionally analysed to provide the best start for our children. The food is excellent and we have received very positive feedback from our parents and more importantly our children!  The menus are revised termly.

Food Allergies and Intolerances  - If your child has been advised by their GP or Health Care Professional to follow a special diet please contact by calling 0121 420 3030 or email

Free School Meals and Pupil Premium funds for schools

 Free school meals are means tested and available to children of families who are in receipt of:

  • income Support
  • income Based Jobseekers Allowance
  • an income-related employment and support allowance 
  • support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the Guarantee element of State Pension Credit 
  • child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190

From May 2017 Free School Meals are now assessed as part of Housing Benefit/Council Tax support claims.  This does not mean that your child must have the meal if you do not want them to.  However by claiming, you could raise up to an extra £1320 per annum for our school (funded by central government, called Pupil Premium).


 If your child is entitled to Free School Meals the council will send you a letter to confirm the award.  If you wish to opt out please contact the school office or the Benefit Service at Coventry City Council (02476 833773).

Our School Milk Scheme

The School Food Plan's new legislation on milk came into effect on January 1st 2015.  All children at Holy Family Primary School can receive milk if they wish.  Children under the age of 5 and children who are entitled to Free School Meals will be provided with milk free of charge.  For all other children the cost per term is approx. £15.

If you would like your child to receive milk please follow the steps below.

Did you know our school provides a school milk scheme?
By registering your child for our school milk scheme they will receive a 189ml (third of a pint) carton of semi-skimmed milk every day. This is delivered fresh and chilled to their classroom every day.

“How much does it cost?”
Thanks to government subsidies, school milk is free for all under-fives and is subsided at around £15 a term for children aged five or older.

“Why should I register my child?”
School milk provides your child with essential nutrients. It is also rehydrating and energy boosting, helping to bridge the long gap between breakfast and lunch so children stay focused.

Find out the top ten reasons to drink school milk at


“How do I register my child?”

If your child is under five-
1. Go to or pick up a form from school.
2. Just register by a Tuesday for your child’s free milk to start the following week.
3. Free milk will continue until the Friday before your child’s fifth birthday. You will receive a payment request three weeks before this time- if you wish for your child to continue to receive school milk simply make a payment. 

If your child is over five-
1. Go to or pick up a form from school. 
2. Pay Cool Milk online, over the phone, at a local PayPoint or by cheque in instalments to suit you.  If registering online you can pay straight away, if using a registration form you will need to wait to receive a payment request. 
3. Just pay by a Tuesday for your child’s milk to start the following week.

“How do I find out more?”