Please check Tapestry for updates and information from the Nursery Team. Thank you.
Meet the Staff
Mrs Mariadoss - Teaching Assistant | Mrs Frost - Teaching Assistant |
Thank you for visiting our class page.
We have one nursery class made up of 30 hour children and part time children. Mrs Prew is the class teacher and Mrs McElroy, Miss Taylor and Mrs Pittaway are the support staff for Nursery. As a team we thoroughly enjoy working together to help nurture and develop the children in our care; ready for their time at school and beyond.
Nursery times:
Morning class children: 8:45am – 11:45am
30 hours children: 8:45am - 3:30pm
We have lots of fun in nursery learning through play and we plan activities in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum and follow the children’s unique interests. Our main focus for development is in the three prime areas of learning (Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development), so that the children have a strong foundation to build upon. Each session we start with child-initiated learning time before a short adult-focused learning time. Children benefit from a variety of adult supported activities throughout the session to develop their play, language, listening and attention skills. We regularly split into two smaller groups for our focused learning and share milk and a story as part of this smaller, nurturing group. The children have access to the outdoors each session and enjoy exploring our large garden and allotment area. To support our fine motor development, we have a daily ‘dough disco’ and get our fingers dancing so that we develop the muscles in our fingers and hands ready for writing. Our nursery RE curriculum is underpinned by our School's mission statement: Jesus said "Let the children come to me, We live and learn and love in His way". We start from the very beginning in nursery and teach our children how to join their prayer hands together so that they are ready to talk to God. We learn how to make the sign of the cross and we say our daily prayers and sing songs together.
We hope you enjoy looking at all the exciting things we do on our nursery web page. We try to update this page on a regular basis so please come back again soon to have another look.
Your child's Tapestry Online Learning Journal is where you will be able to access their learning, observations and all the memories we make together in Nursery. We hope you enjoy regularly looking at it together with your child, talking to them about their time in Nursery.
Here is a glimpse of what we have been up to....
Tapestry Online Learning Journal
Parents / Carers:
Please ensure you are regularly checking your child's online Tapestry Journal.
Staff are updating your child's journal with observations, class learning, settling in documents, first aid notes and next steps for learning.
As we find ourselves in different times, we are using Tapestry for regular communication between parents and staff, alongside your child's learning. It is crucial that you please check it regularly.
Children will often have a Tapestry Challenge to complete at home and we please ask you to support your child with this.
Don't forget, you can upload photographs to your child's journal too. We love children to share their special achievements or proud moments from home. It really helps to build their confidence in front of their peers at carpet time.
Any problems with accessing your child's account please let a member of staff know straight away and we will be happy to help you.
Thank you for your continued support.
Getting ready to start Holy Family Nursery We LOVE stories in Nursery; they are so important for a child's development. As you think about supporting your child to start Nursery we would like to share some super short and simple stories that you may like to share with your child so they become familiar with the new activities they may see in nursery and the understanding of saying 'goodbye' to their family member for a short time.