Rewards System

Favourable comments can and should be entered on pieces of work, (see Marking Policy).

Written School Reports should comment favourably on good work, behaviour, involvement in and general attitude to school life, (see Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy).

Recognition can be given to success of differing kinds in assemblies, e.g. presentation of swimming and cycling proficiency awards etc.

Children’s work can/should be displayed as much as possible both in the classroom and corridors of the school (see Display Policy).

A visit to the Headteacher for commendations.

Specific privileges can be awarded to individuals/groups of children, e.g. in the use of school facilities, (computers, library, games equipment, etc.).

Opportunities for giving children greater responsibility in school should be fostered e.g. Playtime Pals, Monitors, School Council etc.

Above all, praise and encouragement in and out of lessons should be used as much as possible.


The Praise POD

"A culture of praise for the whole school community"

Praise Pod is a special place in school where children go to talk about their achievements.  They get to sit in the wonderful chair you so kindly raised funds for.  In the praise pod children will be interviewed by a member of staff.  When the children are rewarded and sent to the praise pod we will publish it on Twitter, our school Twitter is view able on the home page. The conversation will always be about a positive somebody has noticed about them. Children will be sent to the praise pod for a wide range of qualities, including social and academic. 
What makes praise pod extra special is that we can record the interview and send it to you to watch at home or at work.  It's all about celebrating successes and building self-esteem.  Think of it as the opposite of the naughty step!

We believe that rewarding good behaviour and providing encouragement promotes a climate of consideration for others and encourages good behaviour rather than merely deterring anti-social behaviour.

Our Golden Rules underpin the life of the school:

  • We have respect for ourselves and others
  • We listen
  • We follow instructions
  • We are honest
  • We work hard
Children displaying these qualities around school might be lucky enough to get sent to the praise pod.
Every time a child is noticed for any of these qualities it helps reinforce that behaviour until it becomes automatic.  We thank you for all your hard work and support in encouraging your children at home; it makes a huge difference and really helps by giving a consistent, encouraging message.  We always love to hear about any success your child has had whilst out of school, so please continue to let us know and we can help you reinforce that behaviour at school.