“Holy Family children are committed to improving our world locally and globally for tomorrow’s children.”

Eco Team 2022.2023

Our Eco team for this academic year are......

Year 1: Aiden & Ewan                           Year 2:  Lyla & Oliver                           Year 3: Ronan & Luke                               Year 4: Dawid & Maia-Rose                            Year 5: Hunter & Scarlett                    Year 6: Victor & Nia

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What is Eco-Schools?

Eco-Schools is the largest sustainable schools programme in the world. It is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into curriculum and the heart of school life. Its mission is to help make every school become sustainable and to bring about behaviour change in young people and those connected to them so that good habits learned in schools are followed through into homes and communities.  Through the award system it provides a framework which helps schools to recognise good environmental practice and identify areas they need to improve on.

As Eco-Schools we are able to enjoy and share many benefits which include:

  • Enhancing our school curriculum
  • Linking with the community and sharing our sustainable expertise
  • Improving our school and its environment
  • Saving money through energy saving and other sustainable activities
  • Receiving recognition and publicity for our sustainable achievements

What’s more, by addressing environmental issues in school and reducing waste, we save money, which can be reinvested elsewhere.  For more information please click on the links below:

> Eco Green Action Plan

> Eco Code and Green Topics

Can you start the mindfulness minutes at home challenge?


Idea's to support Eco actions at home




 Please share any of your home ECO learning via Twitter. We would love to see it and share it with everyone!


Watch the link below. After, think about what you can do to help? We would love to see your ideas via Twitter!

Early Years Songs and Rhymes


World Oceans Day

Our Oceans, Our Future... What can we do to help save our Oceans?

What is an Ocean?

Do you know the names of different Oceans?

Which Ocean is the biggest?

Why are Oceans so important?

Can you name some sea creatures?

Can you describe what they look like?

Do you know what different creatures eat?


Can you create a sea creature from recyclable materials in your home?


Can you create a 'Save our Oceans' poster or a 'Fascinating Facts about Oceans' poster?


If you take part in any 'World Oceans Day' Learning this week we would love to see! Plese share via Twitter or with your class teacher.

Home Learning Ideas linking to our five areas of focus within  ECO Schools:


Severn Trent Education Zone

Follow the link to Severn Trent's fantastic Education zone page. Here you can learn more about Water. There is a different theme each week and activities range from KS1-KS2.


Terracycle scheme information - What happens...


Assembly Powerpoint: Please find attached below the copy of our ECO Assembly that we unfortunately could not share as a whole School in March. Here are our plans for ECO within our School currently...


Holy_Family_ECO_Assembly_Copy.pptx .pptx

Environment & Sustainability

Holy Family School has a long history of environmental development.  We proud of being the first school in Coventry to be presented with the Coventry Sustainable Schools Award.

It was awarded for our excellent sustainable work as well as showing great progress in all sustainable doorways and Eco-school topics. Our Children represented Coventry at a local Eco-schools show sharing our development and environmental achievements with other schools throughout the country.

Holy Family is environmentally active through a cross-curriculum approach and the Eco-school programme as we endeavour and aim to:

  • Include and engage staff, governors, pupils, parents and the local community in a commitment to improve the world today for tomorrow's children.
  • Share good practice with pupils, parents and the community thus encouraging them to adopt the initiatives.
  • Promote food and drink themes of their healthy eating schemes, improve school catering and promote water consumption to improve student and staff health, concentration and learning.
  • Conserve and monitor the use of energy and water.
  • Improve the local well-being of the wider community through their website and regular education for sustainable development related days or weeks of education and action.
  • Promote awareness of climate change through cross curricular activities and share the responsibility with the wider community for promoting and practising policies which show concern and care for the future of the global environment.
  • Develop our International School and Global Dimension status with related curriculum activities through the co-operation of outside agencies e.g. Water Aid. 

What is the Pod?

The Pod works in collaboration with Eco-Schools England to ensure all activities will help a school progress through the eco-schools programme. It is an interactive website for students, teachers and eco- coordinators and helps schools measure the impact of their projects and recognizes the effort undertaken to complete them.

For students it has great games, blogs, an interactive comic and media gallery which help them to take part in and understand how to improve their environment and sustainability. Schools win medals and certificates for each activity they complete and each schools progress can be seen on the national medal table. Check out the medal table. Holy Family is currently 8th on the Pod’s medal table. We now have three gold medals and two silver medals and one bronze medal.  

The medals we win depend on how much we have changed our school and how much effort we put into our blogs for each activity we take part in.

Visit the Pod and view Holy Family’s achievements so far.


Awarded: 07/07/2007


Awarded: 01/06/2006


Awarded: 20/07/2012 Awarded: 19/07/2010 Awarded: 15/06/2008


Click image to view cbeebies videos all about recycling
