Meet the Year One Team...
Mrs Mainwaring
Year 1PM Class Teacher Monday/Tuesday
Mrs Parkes
Year 1PM Class Teacher Wednesday-Friday
Miss Brown
Year 1B Class Teacher
Mrs Razza
Year 1B Teaching Assistant
Mrs O'Leary
Year 1PM Teaching Assistant Monday - Wednesday
Miss Fitzpatrick
Year 1PM Teaching Assistant Wednesday - Friday
Year 1 PM Class Saint - Saint Peter
His feast day is celebrated on June 29th.
Introduction to Year 1 - 2024/2025
Introduction to Year 1 2024
Year 1 B Class Saint - Saint Paul
His feast day is celebrated on June 29th.
Timetable - Autumn 1
To support the children as they transition into Year One, our timetable incorporates continuous provision (choosing time). The timetable will be reviewed and changed according to the children's needs as the term progresses.
In addition to the weekly timetable, we have Science days every half term, and Design & Technology and Computing lessons each term too.
Year 1 overview for the year
Maths Targets
We will be working on the following maths targets with the children throughout the year, but any additional practice at home would be fantastic. A lot of these targets need will be remembered if they are practiced frequently rather than in one big block - little and often.
Guardian Angel Prayer
Daily Prayers
Relationships and Health Education
Throughout the year, we will be teaching our 'Relationship and Health Education' programme, using our Catholic resource, 'Life to the full'. Below you can see when we are planning to teach each module so that you can continue important conversations with your child at home. These dates are subject to change, but we will inform you of any changes on class dojo.
If you would like to know more information about the programme, please follow the link to access the Parent Portal. If you then have any further questions, please contact a member of the Year 6 team and we will talk it through with you.
Class Dojo - Communication with parents
In Year 1, you will no longer have access to Tapestry. In its place, we use an website/app called Class Dojo to post messages to parents and publish photos of the children at school. We can also send you individual messages, and you can send your class teacher messages too, however if it is urgent, please contact the school office.
Link to Mrs Mainwaring / Mrs Parkes
In year 1, the homework expectations each week are to read at least 5 times, to learn 3 new spellings and to complete online learning tasks on Number Bots. Later in the year, we will also introduce reading eggs.
Spellings will also be sent home in a spelling book every Monday. These spellings need to be learnt by the next Monday, when they will have their weekly spelling test. You will be able to see how your child did in their spelling test when you get their spelling book back on Monday evening. Please use paper to practice spellings.