Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
Our intention is that when children leave Holy Family, they will do so with the knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society. We want our children to have high aspirations, a belief in themselves and realise that anything is possible if they put their mind to it. In our ever–changing world, we want our children to grow and develop in a safe and nurturing environment where they are able to express themselves articulately, gain a further understanding of themselves as special and unique people and build resilience so that they grow to have good mental health and well-being.
PSHE at Holy Family is taught through stand-alone lessons and themed weeks, as well as being interwoven more discreetly into day-to-day lessons. Pupils are taught about health and well-being, relationships and living in the wider world. We have weekly lessons that focus on British Values, called ‘Picture News’ which discuss current affairs around the world, as well as ‘Special and Unique’ weeks where we explore individuality, equality and respect for all through the use of picture books. For RHE, we follow a programme called ‘Life to the full’, which supports children in learning about their personal and physical development whilst reflecting on our faith as Catholics.
We believe that a meaningful PSHE curriculum is the key to children becoming confident, tolerant and well-rounded individuals, ready for the next stage of their lives. Our teaching of PSHE will lead our children to be able to approach a range of real-life situations and apply their skills to help navigate themselves through. From exposure to a range of global issues and problems, our children will build tolerance and a sense of responsibility of being a global citizen. The implementation and impact of the PSHE curriculum is assessed across the school to ensure that our children leave Holy Family with positive self-esteem and the ability to be able to understand and manage their emotions.
All of our PSHE lessons are underpinned by Gospel values and our 'Building the Kingdom' curriculum which focuses on Catholic social teaching. As a Catholic School, the curriculum that we provide includes opportunities for children to explore "What sort of person is God calling me to be?", "What are we learning about a Catholic way of life?" and "How can I be a Disciple of Jesus?". In doing this, we hope to equip our pupils to become well-rounded Catholics who are responsible, respectful active citizens who contributed positively to society.
Relationships and Health Education (RHE)
To teach our children about relationships, we follow a programme which is designed for Catholic Primary Schools, called 'Life to the full'. On the table below, you will see that each year group follows three main themes: Created and loved by God, Created to Love Others and Created in live in Community. Please click on the picture below to visit the Parent Portal, where you will find information about the content which is taught in each year group.
Parent log on details:
Username: holy-family-cv6
Password: new-street
'Special and Unique' (Teaching Equality)
Our Special and Unique program begins in Reception and carries through to Year 6. It is based on a series of child-friendly, age-appropriate books which help our children to learn about the wider community and world that we live in. We believe that children should have the ability to be reflective about their own beliefs, show interest in, and respect for, different people’s faiths, feelings and values and that they appreciate the viewpoints of others. Our 'Special and Unique' lessons occur once a half term, or more frequently if the need arises.
Picture News
Each week, we will release a different picture which prompts through-provoking discussion. Why not take the time to talk to your children about the picture that they have seen this week and consider the question posed.
We are proud to announce that we are now a 'Picture News' Advocate School!