At Holy Family our intention is for children to believe they are scientists in Science lessons. We believe Science teaches us about the world around us, is ever-changing and is fundamental to a prosperous future. Our broad and balanced science curriculum is centred around the scientific enquiry and the many skills and experiences found within the subject, while also embedding scientific facts and promoting the respect for living organisms and for our physical environment.
We want the children to enjoy learning in science and for them to be ambitious in their scientific understanding and curiosity so that they can one day become the next generation of scientists. Science at Holy Family focuses upon developing children’s scientific thinking enabling them to make sense of the world they live in. We achieve this by ensuring children are exposed to quality first teaching, investigating scientific phenomena and real-world problems, and by applying scientific skills through scientific experiences.
Science units are taught within each Key Stage in accordance with the National Curriculum guidance.
Each key stage includes elements from all three of the science disciplines: Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and each new unit taught builds on previous learning and links with other science units. Children are given an opportunity to share what they already know, learn new vocabulary and ask questions about what they would like to know at the start of each unit. This leads into more enquiry-led learning within each unit meaning, each year, the children experience the five types of scientific enquiry: Comparative/Fair testing, Research, Observation over time, Pattern seeking and Identification/classification. And again over the year, within each of those scientific enquiries children get to learn and experience the main enquiry skills: Questioning, Observing, Recording, Answering, Identifying and Testing. These strands of skills progress through each key stage KS1, LKS2 & UKS2 and are set at an age expected level. Vocabulary within science is of the utmost importance as children cannot explain their understanding without the correct scientific language knowledge. There children introduced to unit specific vocabulary and are encouraged to discuss, share and debate their understanding of scientific phenomena within lessons ensuring they are collaboratively achieving the learning intentions and misconceptions are consistently highlighted and addressed.
Science week at Holy Family is used to inspire and educate while creating experiences and memories that will stay with the children. We organise a week full of leading primary science visitors to work with, and share, their expertise in the subject through a selection of shows and workshops.
In the early years setting, science is taught through the ‘Understanding the world’ objectives, where children find out about things like materials, seasons and living things through thinking about similarities, differences, patterns and change. Both the environment and EYFS teaching staff foster curiosity and explorative play, motivating childing to ask questions about why things happen and how things work. Children enjoy spending time outdoors exploring minibeasts/habitats, changing seasons, plants and animals.
Science assessments are teacher based and are guided by formative and summative strategies. We use a mixture of
‘end of unit quizzes’ (written/verbal/digital) to more informal methods such as presentations, tasks and child-led enquiry outcomes/conclusions.
The impact of the science curriculum at Holy Family is a fun, engaging and high quality education that provides children with some understanding of the world around them but also encourages the curious, investigatory mind-set of a scientist. Children are able to ask questions, reflect on knowledge, articulate understanding and can explain scientific concepts using rich language linked to the subject. The children can develop their own ideas of enquiry and – linked to maths – can record, measure, organise, interpret and present their findings.
The children regularly share through ‘pupil voice’ their love of science, particularly during Science week and often show an interest of further, independent study.
We are very proud that at Holy Family we have earned the PSQM science mark GILT award, which replaces the PSQM silver award previously earned.
PSQM = Primary Science Quality Mark
This is a very prestigious national award for the teaching and learning of science. Schools that achieve the PSQM Gilt award have demonstrated a commitment and expertise in science subject leadership, teaching and learning. It shows that we have work together both within school and with local experts to shared good practices and improve the provision we offer the children of Holy Family. PSQM Director and associate professor Jane Turner said, “It is very clear that there is a great deal of Science is going on at Holy Family and that the staff work hard to make it exciting and accessible for every child.” Well done to all the staff for their valuable contribution and evidence towards the submission process. Also a big thankyou to the children for their enthusiasm and energy that they demonstrate in science lessons and finally, thankyou to the parents and carers for your continued support in promoting all things scientific at home and in school and the financial support you offer during Science week. Well done everyone.
Mr Richardson – Science subject leader
Science Week
Science week has been another resounding success! The children have spent the week ‘working and learning about all things scientific’… they’ve been testing, identifying, predicting, comparing, sorting, collecting, observing, presenting, measuring, describing, explaining, recording, using and solving. They have been collecting scientific vocabulary on their t-shirts and using them in their explanations and their written work. We have been visited by the ‘Mad Science’ team who worked with Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 mixing polyvinyl alcohol with sodium borate to make some slime and creating some explosions! They also performed a superb science show for the whole school this afternoon which had all the children enthralled. Yesterday we had Becky from Hawkwise visit us. The children got to learn about birds of prey and most got the chance to hold an owl or a hawk. On Wednesday Dr Matt Pritchard came to show us some of his famous Magic Science. He amazed the children with his simple, everyday objects which he turned into magic props using science …and he shared with the children how they could do the same at home.
Every class has been carrying out different experiments from catapulting marshmallows to examining fossils… from building gravity-defying towers to making rainbow water… from planting seeds to erupting volcanoes. It has been a scientifically wonderful week and upper KS2 children still have the Velociraptor Visit on 14th March to look forward to. Thank you to the parents/carers for the financial contribution as well as supplying the t-shirts and to the staff for supporting science week so enthusiastically. However, the biggest thanks go to the children. They have been telling me all week how much they have learnt and enjoyed this year’s Science week. Thank you Mr Richardson for all your hard work in organising all of theses super scientific events!